
Yoda’s #1 career acceleration secret

Star Wars day it is…

And I still don’t know why the little green jedi transposes all of his sentences.

The good news is it doesn’t really matter because you can still catch the gems he drops.

And the one that matters most today is this:

“Do or do not. There is no try.”

I guess this one isn’t really transposed but it’s still my fav Yoda line, which directly applies to your career.

Put aside any excuses about not having enough time and start making the moves you’ve been putting off.

Get up just 30 min earlier, no more scrolling on your phone on the toilet, no binging on Snowfall until you’ve put in your self-work for the day.

I get this is easier said than done sometimes, and some structure for accountability can go a long way.

You will get all the accountability you need in a way that will propel you head when you join here: